Before My Fall by Bill Dake

Broadjam Artist: Bill DakeSong: Before My FallBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)Pro General Comments: Hi Bill,I’m still with and love working with them. I enjoyed listening to this very slightly country pop jazz…

Bill Dake

Broadjam Artist: Bill Dake
Song: Before My Fall

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)

Pro General Comments: Hi Bill,I'm still with and love working with them. I enjoyed listening to this very slightly country pop jazzy blues rendition. Cool groove and instrumentation. It was unpredictable and it kept me listening till the end. I'm not sure what the exact form is. It looks like a hybrid mix of verse/verse/bridge/verse form and verse/verse/chorus form...The third section following the first two verses sounds and feels more like a bridge but it ends with the hook which is indicative of a chorus. The last chorus doesn't use the hook until the tag. Very different arrangement and form/structure. I picked Michael Buble because I couldn't think of who else this reminded me of. Maybe Leon Redbone. I loved your rhyme scheme. Very clever internal rhyming. Overall the story is clear but I was slightly confused about the picture of you and her on the wall in this pub or bar. Why was your photo with her hanging on the wall? I loved the recording but your vocal had a little too much reverb on it for me but that is very subjective. Thanks for thinking of me and allowing me to evaluate your song. Appreciate it.

Quote From Pro: Bill Dake blends blues Jazz and pop into a very interesting hybrid sound that is very enjoyable to listen to.


Broadjam Artist: Dale Lawrence WOKEPOETS.COMSong: UNDISCOVERED COUNTRYBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Tom Worth (Songwriter, Producer, Pro Songwriting Coach)Pro General Comments: This is a GREAT recording and vocal performance! Well done! Your lyrics are cool, …


Broadjam Artist: Dale Lawrence WOKEPOETS.COM

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Tom Worth (Songwriter, Producer, Pro Songwriting Coach)

Pro General Comments: This is a GREAT recording and vocal performance! Well done! Your lyrics are cool, informative, and poetic...also well done. There are however some story line, tense and structure issues that can somewhat easily be fixed to make this song even stronger commercially. Let's dive into them...Overall Tense:Your verses are in past tense but your chorus is in present tense. You need to be consistent with the tense or it doesn't make sense. I would make your verses present tense to match chorus. Ex: you never (not you'd never), I look (not I looked)Verse 1 - I like these lyrics but I don't think there's enough information in it to adequately set up chorus. It only talks about her and not your relationship or why you're in undiscovered country. I think this would work great as a 2nd verse - where the storyline is already established and then this verse gives deeper details. Here's an easy solution - just swap verse 2 for verse 1! Starting with what is currently the 2nd verse will totally set up chorus better. Lyrically I would change the "said we should only be friends" line to "MAYBE we should only be friends." If they're already broken up the delaying the end and rest of song doesn't really make sense.Also - structure wise you added a new section before 2nd chorus (cause it's fine...). If you only have 6 lines in first verse you can only have 6 lines in 2nd verse. So I'd either ditch these lines or do the same thing (add lines with same music and melody) in first chorus.Chorus - love it!2nd Chorus:I would keep this the same length as 1st chorus. Your bridge is pretty long so lets get to it sooner. The song is overall pretty long - it's best keep commercial songs under 4 min. Cutting down on length of this chorus will help thatBridge:Very nice overall! I would not use the word "dream" in 3rd line because you just used it in line 1. I don't thik the "you'd never let the day.." line adds anything - I'd go right into the 3rd verse after "and we're losing.."3rd Verse:Fyi for future songs, it's uncommon commercially to have a 3rd verse AND a bridge. But I think it works here. As I said before - make it present tense not past tense to match chorus.Last chorus - love it!Again great job on this song! I hope you can take my ideas and make this song not only better but more commercial -good luck!

Quote From Pro: This is a GREAT recording and vocal performance! Well done!

Little Journey by Bill Dake

Broadjam Artist: Bill DakeSong: Little JourneyBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)Pro General Comments: I really don’t know how to take this song. I can only divided into two parts. One the song itself and the duction of…

Bill Dake

Broadjam Artist: Bill Dake
Song: Little Journey

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)

Pro General Comments: I really don't know how to take this song. I can only divided into two parts. One the song itself and the duction of the vocals that go along together with the song. The other would be the quality of the production and what you've got going on. This song needs a lot of work. The track needs to be tighter. It's a little too loose and I don't really hear the base doing anything. The guitar should be much more structured with the parts. Vocal songs needStrong instrumental backing with focus. The chords were all over the place playing different things instead of really finding a part that would go behind the vocal. It just seemed to be like everything was very loose and if you're serious about turning the song is the same thing it just can't be like that. You've got a structure part you gotta have this thing really tight. Drums had absolutely no impact on this song at all and they should obviously you are a clever guy to be able to post something like this together however to make it work is something else. The vocals are all all over the place and they need to be focused better as well. At times you have a good attitude And that should be happening throughout the whole song. The vocal doesn't take me somewhere it just kind of hangs around. Believe me I'm not here to criticize I'm here to help and I'm trying to help by telling you things that need to happen if this song is going to do anything. I doubt that any artist would listen to this in this condition and say oh yes I want to do this song. So as you see you definitely have some more work to do on this. It's just not ready yet for the grand opening

Quote From Pro: The potential for this song is here. There is a certain creativeness that shows this song is not a possibility.

NO REASON AT ALL by allison bolton

Broadjam Artist: allison boltonSong: NO REASON AT ALLBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Chris Keaton (Music Publisher, Artist Manager, Song Plugger)Pro General Comments: I like the spirit of this song. We desperately need artists who will stand up to war and all …

allison bolton

Broadjam Artist: allison bolton

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Chris Keaton (Music Publisher, Artist Manager, Song Plugger)

Pro General Comments: I like the spirit of this song. We desperately need artists who will stand up to war and all things wrong. From the opening guitar and harmonica riffs, I felt this song would be special. The plaintive vocal pleads and pulls at the heartstrings while remain strong, encouraging us to stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom.However, I do feel the title could be tweaked. I offered a suggestion but even that is not string enough. The challenge I offer you is to come up with a title that encourages people to listen and take action. (I actually LOVE the outdo lines "WE ALL STAND WITH UKRAINE! GLORY TO UKRAINE" and wonder if they could enter earlier and be repeated throughout the songNearly daily I read journalists begging for artists to lead the way. Back in the day, art lead the world and, to this listener, the time has come once again. Perhaps this Allison Bolton number can break through and unite the world against the evils of war. Unjust war at that!Technically, the tracks are very strong. The recording is tight, effective and professional. The vocal os out front, clearly heard. The mix is professional and to my ears does not need any changes at all. The instrumentation is genre appropriate and although it's clearly a throwback to "protest" songs it never gets preachy or "holier than thou"The song sounds radio ready and all set either for release, as is, or covered by a caring artist. The inspiration to write this is acknowledged and appreciated by me. The time is right for this song!WE ALL STAND WITH UKRAINE! GLORY TO UKRAINE, INDEED!!

Quote From Pro: This patriotic love song to Ukraine and her global supporters has the ability to lift spirits, unite, and motivate. It absolutely deserves to be heard.WE ALL STAND WITH UKRAINE! GLORY TO UKRAINE

Don’t Tip Toe (around my heart) by Evan Pace

Broadjam Artist: Evan PaceSong: Don’t Tip Toe (around my heart)Broadjam Pro Reviewer: Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)Pro General Comments: Upbeat and energetic female vocal pop song with some Latin flairs. Solid arrangement and sectional contras…

Evan Pace

Broadjam Artist: Evan Pace
Song: Don't Tip Toe (around my heart)

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)

Pro General Comments: Upbeat and energetic female vocal pop song with some Latin flairs. Solid arrangement and sectional contrast happening between verse and chorus sections. The dynamics between verse and chorus are mixed appropriately so that the energy of the chorus section really ramps up. Professional and soulful female lead and background vocals help to convey the lyrical message in the song. Inventive background vocal arrangement helps to elevate the song's emotional energy as well. Lyrically this kind of theme is not unique, but the verses are able to give it an original take on this familiar sounding take on love gone wrong so to speak. I like the conga drum track that begin the song, along with the horn stab. They synth line and sample that comes in at 0:07 could stand to be updated in terms of it having a contemporary production quality to it. It has a very "reedy," sound to it which is quite reminiscent of 90's synths. I think this track has potential in the film/tv synch world if a production was looking for a 90's sounding Latin pop type track a la Pointer Sisters/Gloria Estefan as an example when producers could not afford major label masters and publishing.

Quote From Pro: Solid production, lead vocals and arrangement in this Latin tinged pop song. The track could have some potential in the synch world when trying to replace similar sounding major label artists.

Ballad of Wally Funk by Charles Edmund Carter

Broadjam Artist: Charles Edmund CarterSong: Ballad of Wally FunkBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)Pro General Comments: The music is typical funk tempo with the sax intro I really do love too. The story Ballad…

Charles Edmund Carter

Broadjam Artist: Charles Edmund Carter
Song: Ballad of Wally Funk

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)

Pro General Comments: The music is typical funk tempo with the sax intro I really do love too. The story Ballad of Wally Funk may not be relatable to younger generations about someone born in 1939. It's actually a folk story song and may appeal to those who do know who Chuck Yeager was for commercial releasing for purchasing. "Funky Fly Girl "or "Funky Flight Girl" might be another choice title too. I know this older woman went on that maiden flight. It's actually a catchy name Wally Funk. Maybe that music transition to break away with the Hollywood brass horns you might want to review again but it'll do the way it is now. The song really is a great tribute to older women who have seen her dreams come true. Repeating the name "wally funk" is a great hook tied to the funky music style ending. Stays in the listeners head. That way IF the person doesn't know who Wally Funk is they might look it up as my younger assistant did yesterday. That helps history of women in flight.

Quote From Pro: This is a true funky story aka tribute song. I listened again once with an assistant yesterday who I told later the hook of name "wally funk" kept coming back repeating over in my head. The result is WF is a fun song. Great song for submission next year to the women international day here in the USA. I can see a parade of women in a line with this playing with dancers choreographed to moving to the tempo and smiles. Thank you for sharing again your work. Keep writing using your songwriting talents I've been honored to enjoy as you share with Broadjam pro reviewers. Looking forward to more in 2022 too!


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.Song: NEVERMINDBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )Pro General Comments: Hey guys -Another quality submission in “Nevermind”. Personally, unless the song is a nod to Nirvana, I w…


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )

Pro General Comments: Hey guys -Another quality submission in "Nevermind". Personally, unless the song is a nod to Nirvana, I would probably differentiate the name to something a little more memorable like, "Nevermind (I Can't Let You Go)" or something similar. Because the actual word "nevermind" isn't in the song at all, it makes the title somewhat forgettable because there's nothing to connect that title/word to the actual hook of the song itself. Make sense? You want people to remember your songs and giving them a somewhat-forgettable title isn't the best way to do that. By adding a little more to it, that makes it more memorable, in my opinion.Again, excellent production value on this one too (the recording, mix, and master). At times, I would have liked a tiny bit more vocals in the mix, but that was probably intentional given this genre of music. I didn't mention in the review for "Awake", but meant to and it also applies to this song - I really love the guitar work overall and the way you've mixed them into the song. Great job and very creative. Excellent playing and cool guitar tones. The bass and drums are nice and tight on this one as well as the other tracks, which is exactly what you'd want with this style of music. Great playing, guys. It's really nice to hear young guys who are actually able to play their instruments and not relying on samples, loops, and other people's work to get their points across musically. Very refreshing - thanks. It gives me hope... we're constantly exposed to "artists" who can barely sing and play their instruments and are all marketing and packaging by the record label. For Samsara. though, that is not the case, I can tell you guys have put the work in to be a really great band.Your songs have good arrangements too and an interesting style. They don't quite follow the "hit song" format, but they don't need to. It's almost like you know the rules well enough to break them just enough to make it interesting, so kudos for that too. Good hook on this one. Very memorable. I like the slow-clap at the end too.This is another song where we could probably pitch it to Sports TV and/or an Action Sports Video Game developer, like we should also do for "Awake". Loads of energy and attitude that might just work for something like that. I could definitely hear this one in a skateboarding video game (which we've actually provided music for previously) - or something similar. Make sure you have your instrumental version of this song (and all others) mastered and ready to go too because you never know when you need them (or if an editor/producer/music supervisor asks for that).Not a lot of other pointers I can give you on this one. Keep up the great work and write songs together as a band as much as you can... and do stay in touch. I'll be interested to see where you guys go!Best of luck now and in the future!Sincerely,Doug

Quote From Pro: "Nevermind" would be an excellent sync licensing placement choice for Sports TV or a high energy Video Game. The attitude and production are there, and the hook is very memorable. Samsara. is one of the best young bands out there. Give any of their songs a listen and you won't be disappointed.


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.Song: AWAKEBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )Pro General Comments: Hi guys -Thanks for sending “Awake”. Tons of energy on this one too. I dig it. Great production value and per…


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )

Pro General Comments: Hi guys -Thanks for sending "Awake". Tons of energy on this one too. I dig it. Great production value and performances again on this song, similar to "By Your Side". You-all are a very talented, young band. One thing I noticed when looking up the lyrics to your songs (by Googling them - source Musixmatch), it does list the songwriter(s) at the bottom of the page. This song lists only Dylan as the songwriter. Guys, I would suggest that you split all of the songwriting credits (and therefore the songwriting royalties) evenly, instead of just one of you getting essentially any/all royalties, per song. "By Your Side" just listed Brendan as the writer instead of the whole band. The problem with this arrangement is that even though you do have one main writer of any given song, ALL of you contribute your parts to it to make it what it is ultimately. It should go without saying that not *every* song will be a success, so because of this, the successful songs will make the most money and that writer will get the bulk of any royalties, leaving the rest of the band out of the picture, which can breed animosity and bitterness (it's only human nature). Maybe you guys already know this and what I'm seeing on Musixmatch isn't correct, I don't know. Just my 2-cents... split the songwriting royalties evenly as well as the publishing, no matter "who does what" in a given song. It will balance out and everybody will be making the same $$ - on the successful songs and all the others. I hope you don't mind that bit of advice, but I've seen it break bands up when one guy is making all the bank, you know? Everybody does their part and contributes something and should be recognized for their work, so in my opinion, each should get a fair share.So on this song, while I do like it and love the energy, it doesn't have as memorable a hook/melody as some of your other songs. That's not a bad thing necessarily, just something I noticed. The first thing that came to mind on this one, is that it might be a really great song for a video game, in the right context... both with or without the lyric/vocals. You definitely should have an instrumental version of this song ready to go too (fully mastered like the main version with the vocals). This is because sometimes sync opportunities work better with an instrumental version of the song in certain contexts. In the case of a video game, it could go either way... I like the vocals, but you never know if the lyrics will fit in with what's happening on-screen. We have an Action Sports Video Game opportunity that we run from time to time that it might be perfect for that developer. I also would not have a problem pitching it for Sports TV - like Fox Sports, etc. We pitch songs and place with them often. For those types of things, the main hook/melody isn't quite as big a deal as the overall feel and energy a track has. I'd be happy to send this one along for that and see what comes back from them, if anything. They may like it...Again, great work on this and do consider the songwriting thing I mentioned. I would like to see you guys succeed and for that to happen, so many things have to align correctly, but ironing out the financials is super-important, if you haven't already done that. Have a band meeting and talk about it. There are good courses out there that you might consider taking so that you understand how it all works.Best of luck to you now and in the future and keep up the excellent work!Doug

Quote From Pro: "Awake" might be a perfect fit for Sports TV or a high-action / high-energy video game soundtrack. Excellent performances and production value make this song an obvious pick for the right sync situation. Good job guys!


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.Song: BY YOUR SIDEBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )Pro General Comments: Hey guys -Thanks for letting me know about your song “By Your Side” again. I’ve heard it before and re…


Broadjam Artist: SAMSARA.

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Doug Diamond (Music Supervisor, Engineer, Producer, Composer )

Pro General Comments: Hey guys -Thanks for letting me know about your song "By Your Side" again. I've heard it before and really liked it - even upon first listen awhile back. I appreciate the opportunity to dive deeper into it for this review. Overall, I really like it a lot. Loads of energy and a great, memorable hook. The production value - the technical aspects of the recording, mix, and master are also excellent (a *must* in today's sync licensing/music placement world - because it's your actual recording that would get used). Your performances are all excellent. I wouldn't change a thing. I really like Dylan's vocals, the vocal phrasing and tonality in general. It's a really good fit for your sound as a band. I know you guys are very young, but had I not read your bio, I wouldn't necessarily know that by hearing your music. It's better than a lot of band's music of people twice your age - or more! Just all around excellent job. I'm not sure how you guys got to be so good given your very young age (lots of hard work is my guess), but other bands could certainly learn from you. Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right. Keep up the good work. I can tell you've spent a lot of time individually working on learning your instruments and vocals, and it really comes together well as a group. I really hope you guys go far. I think you have the makings of being great. Of your songs I've heard previously, "By Your Side" is probably my favorite. I think it does have commercial appeal and seems like a perfect fit for the right type of radio - terrestrial or satellite (looks like you've had some SiriusXM play - congrats), but also college radio. As I work in the sync licensing and placement world, I will certainly keep it in mind for anything that comes up that I think it could fit for. The quality is there. It could definitely work for the right scene in a television show or indie film, commercial, trailer, video game, etc. The production value and performances are a huge first hurdle that a lot of bands can't make it through successfully, but I think you've navigated that extremely well. Beyond that, it's all about the hook, the melody, the attitude, and the sound - if it might work in the right placement situation, and I definitely feel it could. One thought I had was, it would be cool to have an instrumental mix of this song with an extended "oohs and aahs" section taken from the Bridge. That part is really good. I can see/hear just that part in a commercial or montage scene, etc. It might be good to showcase it by having a separate mix to pitch for film/TV. Again, great job overall and keep it up. Keeping a band together can be quite a challenge, especially when you're young, so I hope you guys give it a priority in your lives and take it seriously long-term. The dividends will pay off if you can keep it together. But I know it's tough. Good luck and I look forward to reviewing your other tunes too.Best,

Quote From Pro: "By Your Side" is such a cool tune. I wish I had the perfect sync opportunity for it in a film or TV show right now - I'd place it it's that good. Samsara. is one of the best young bands I know of, period. Keep up the excellent work, guys!

Tomorrow final 5B by Collaborations

Broadjam Artist: CollaborationsSong: Tomorrow final 5BBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)Pro General Comments: Wow did this catch me by surprise. I was not expecting something that I was totally going to love the minute…


Broadjam Artist: Collaborations
Song: Tomorrow final 5B

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)

Pro General Comments: Wow did this catch me by surprise. I was not expecting something that I was totally going to love the minute I heard it. Everything that I like about song form and songwriting is in this song. The chorus is great, the verses are really good and timely, and the performance is really good. Without criticizing I would've spent a little more time on a couple of the little pitchy moments but otherwise it was really pretty spot on. The harmonies were tight And it seems like all the instrumentation was together. The guitar really came off nicely whoever played that and the bass really sounded good as well.. I would like to have her a little bit better of a mix of the drums and make them a little more contemporary sounding. Definitely something to pump up the volume there as far as the sound of the drums. All the arrangements fit in very nicely with the strings and the horns. I particularly like the blend of the two vocalists. They seem very comfortable singing with each other and they each had a great enthusiasm of delivering the song. I think that the mix is acceptable but I think that without hurting anybody's feelings there are some mixed engineers they could probably take this song to the next level. I didn't really hear the dynamics inside the instruments and separation that I would like to have heard to give the parts a little bit more distinctiveness. I felt the keyboards were kind of lost in there. These are all things so that can be addressed. The most important thing is that you've got a really good song sung really well and very convincingly that the artist here knows what they were doing and knew how to put it across. These days when you have six people writing a song and it all seems not connected at the same place everything on this song connected and the song form in a traditional format really worked well. So there you go I don't know what else I can say except I hope you will take the advice about the mix and I wouldn't sit on this song I think there's something that could be done with it for sure. Congratulations

Quote From Pro: What a real pleasant surprise to be asked to review a song like this not knowing what it is but knowing that within the first 30 seconds there was something really great happening here. It's unusual to get such a professional product being submitted for review but this definitely is worthy of a five star review. I wish collaborations a lot of luck getting this out there it's a song that works in today's Global environment