Entangled In Love — Feat. Kris Bradley by Pat Hardy Lockwood

Broadjam Artist: Pat Hardy LockwoodSong: Entangled In Love — Feat. Kris BradleyBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Tom Bocci (Music Supervisor, Producer, and Publisher)Pro General Comments: Greetings Pat,I appreciate the opportunity to review this excellent exampl…

Pat Hardy Lockwood

Broadjam Artist: Pat Hardy Lockwood
Song: Entangled In Love -- Feat. Kris Bradley

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Tom Bocci (Music Supervisor, Producer, and Publisher)

Pro General Comments: Greetings Pat,I appreciate the opportunity to review this excellent example of your gracious nod to the Antonio Carlos Jobim classic bossa-nova style.Your song and demo arrangement reflect your study and absorption of this form. Its natural earthy Kris Bradley vocal,rhythm,instrumentation,and structure immediately draw you into repeated listening for the subtle nuances. These obviously would be even more pleasing if not limited to the Band-In-A Box sound.Even so, the lovely flute, emotional sax, and faint string samples all seem to fit well and appropriately.However,since there is really no chorus in favor of the strong hook line, your good musical bridge tends to suffer lyrically as if you settled for the words.In all the verses you demonstrate a unique ability to fashion inside rhyming lines that don't sound contrived, why not continue that in the bridge with something like, "We're upping the ante, we're going all in, with cards on the table, seems like a win-win, so let us begin...". Just a thought, but I know you can do better than to rhyme love with love in a bridge that needs to provide contrast to the verses, not a restated continuation. Would also suggest you try editing out the repeated first two verses and bridge by going from the end sax solo at 2:00 to the last verse at 3:12. Less is always more.All the great vintage jazz standards that became cross-over pop hits were unique in all musical and lyrical aspects, and that's why they still endure and get airplay. You certainly have the overall talent to make the final version of this song a contender as an on-camera or source cue for any number of Film and TV usages playing in a club atmosphere. Very best wishes for success with this song and all the others in your catalog.

Quote From Pro: You certainly have the overall talent to make the final version of this song a contender as an on-camera or source cue for any number of Film and TV usages playing in a club atmosphere. Very best wishes for success with this song and all the others in your catalog. Tom Bocci

Fly tonight by Veo Coun

Veo Coun

Broadjam Artist: Veo Coun
Song: Fly tonight

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)

Pro General Comments: Veo,Verses in this song started out with some promise as it leads up to the hook of the song. Lyrical subject matter seems a bit overly familiar to me, “tonight will bring a brighter day, tonight we’re going to fly away, there’s going to bring a brighter day.” “We’re going wild on the dance floor.”I liked how the verses built up in energy in the arrangement as the song continues on. The vocal also builds up in energy and is able to handle the lead melody well. To me, the track sounds like in its in demo form. If this was sent to me for film & TV, I would not be able to use, due to the overall quality of the recording. While I think that aspect can be worked on, I’d be more concerned with the overly familiar sounding lyric and concept. Sounds like something I’ve heard before and unless the arrangement is so slamming that it brings everyone to the dance floor, then I think its an ok electronic dance track that still needs some development and work.

Quote From Pro: A pop electronic track that has some solid movements and sectional contrast in the arrangement. A familiar sounding lyrical hook that with further development in this genre, could gain some regional play in clubs.

Veo Coun

Broadjam Artist: Veo Coun
Song: Fly tonight

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)

Pro General Comments: Veo,Verses in this song started out with some promise as it leads up to the hook of the song. Lyrical subject matter seems a bit overly familiar to me, "tonight will bring a brighter day, tonight we're going to fly away, there's going to bring a brighter day." "We're going wild on the dance floor."I liked how the verses built up in energy in the arrangement as the song continues on. The vocal also builds up in energy and is able to handle the lead melody well. To me, the track sounds like in its in demo form. If this was sent to me for film & TV, I would not be able to use, due to the overall quality of the recording. While I think that aspect can be worked on, I'd be more concerned with the overly familiar sounding lyric and concept. Sounds like something I've heard before and unless the arrangement is so slamming that it brings everyone to the dance floor, then I think its an ok electronic dance track that still needs some development and work.

Quote From Pro: A pop electronic track that has some solid movements and sectional contrast in the arrangement. A familiar sounding lyrical hook that with further development in this genre, could gain some regional play in clubs.

Out Of The Maze by Elle Ray

Broadjam Artist: Elle RaySong: Out Of The MazeBroadjam Pro Reviewer: John Anderson (Publisher)Pro General Comments: Hello Elle Ray, I’m so happy to see a submission from you. Overall, I think this is a really great song with great potential. It’s an an…

Elle Ray

Broadjam Artist: Elle Ray
Song: Out Of The Maze

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
John Anderson (Publisher)

Pro General Comments: Hello Elle Ray, I'm so happy to see a submission from you. Overall, I think this is a really great song with great potential. It's an anthemic and moving ballad with solid song writing structure focusing on redemption. It's a perfect emotional track for placement in television or film. The production quality is amazing and already suitable for film and TV. Your vocals are definitely up to par and able to translate all that tremendous emotion to the listener. The lyrics are also very well written and anyone who's ever been in a relationship can relate to this this song.I feel really empowered just listening to this song. You remind me a bit of Melissa Etheridge especially in terms of your uplifting and empowering vocals. I was intrigued so I actually found your EDM version because I see a lot of potential for use there. The subject matter is right on point for a big dance club hit. I thought it was good and I think you should pursue other remix opportunities as well. It really is a great track for it.

Quote From Pro: An anthemic and moving ballad. Solid song writing structure focusing on redemption. It's a perfect emotional track for placement in television or film.

The Machines Are Coming (less is more mix) by David Banks

David Banks

Broadjam Artist: David Banks
Song: The Machines Are Coming (less is more mix)

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)

Pro General Comments: Very inventive film oriented score piece. When the track started out, I thought as a listener that is going to remain plaintive and string and piano oriented and did not expect the heavy electronic aspect with choral arrangements to come into play. When it did, it was an interesting surprise and the cue a unique feel and tension and release arrangement. This would be a solid calling card of a cue to attempt to gain work in the film or TV scoring arena. It shows a good grasp of arrangements and also an ability to think out of the box, combining classical type string arrangements and contemporary sounding electronic beats. The choral arrangement was also a pleasant surprise that gave it a lighter feel over the more harsh electronic slightly dub step sounds. Overall, an inventive piece that shows a versatility in composing and overall arranging skills.

Quote From Pro: An inventive and contemporary score cue that has both classical and contemporary electronic elements, along with a lilting choral arrangement. All combined, it shows a versatility for arranging and original composition.

David Banks

Broadjam Artist: David Banks
Song: The Machines Are Coming (less is more mix)

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)

Pro General Comments: Very inventive film oriented score piece. When the track started out, I thought as a listener that is going to remain plaintive and string and piano oriented and did not expect the heavy electronic aspect with choral arrangements to come into play. When it did, it was an interesting surprise and the cue a unique feel and tension and release arrangement. This would be a solid calling card of a cue to attempt to gain work in the film or TV scoring arena. It shows a good grasp of arrangements and also an ability to think out of the box, combining classical type string arrangements and contemporary sounding electronic beats. The choral arrangement was also a pleasant surprise that gave it a lighter feel over the more harsh electronic slightly dub step sounds. Overall, an inventive piece that shows a versatility in composing and overall arranging skills.

Quote From Pro: An inventive and contemporary score cue that has both classical and contemporary electronic elements, along with a lilting choral arrangement. All combined, it shows a versatility for arranging and original composition.

Prison by Christian Taylor Michaels

Broadjam Artist: Christian Taylor MichaelsSong: PrisonBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)Pro General Comments: Please note I don’t rate individual instrumentation since my expertise lies more in marketability, lyric, …

Christian Taylor Michaels

Broadjam Artist: Christian Taylor Michaels
Song: Prison

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)

Pro General Comments: Please note I don't rate individual instrumentation since my expertise lies more in marketability, lyric, melody, and overall performance.Got that nice 80's Pat Benetar, Patty Smyth type vibe. Good choice of vocalist and the guitar licks are tasty. Structurally really sound, you know your way around a song. Arrangements rise and fall like they should, building and releasing.Good opening gives us conflict, drama to draw us in from the get go.Maybe use of some stacked harmonies to add some depth and dimension would be nice. Not necessary but might be nice. I also could hear some cool bluesy guitar licks to give a more current edge. You may have some back in the mix? Let you "in, in" or "eye, eye" sounds a little contrived and makes it sound a little more like a demo- in terms of being made aware of vocalist instead of just listening to song. Same goes with the rhyme screaming at the "air" sounds like an over easy use of rhyme which in the 80's was more acceptable but stands out more today in use of "close/less than perfect" rhymes.Good use of structure, your songs has a good flow to it and you know how to make your hook give us the pay off. Breakdown/vocal part gives the song a bit of space which is smart arranging. You understand the basics which is the main thing in songwriting and can be transferred to other styles/genres. Not everyone has a strong song structural sense, so good work.

Quote From Pro: Solid songwriting chops, knows how to structure a song and deliver the pay off hooks.

If I Had The Time Kmix4 by matt taylor

Broadjam Artist: matt taylorSong: If I Had The Time Kmix4Broadjam Pro Reviewer: Tirk Wilder (Songwriter, Performer)Pro General Comments: Okay, Matt, I like this song. I like this song a lot. That’s the good news.The bad news is that if I like a song, …

matt taylor

Broadjam Artist: matt taylor
Song: If I Had The Time Kmix4

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Tirk Wilder (Songwriter, Performer)

Pro General Comments: Okay, Matt, I like this song. I like this song a lot. That's the good news.The bad news is that if I like a song, it's usually the kiss of death.It almost has a 70s folk pop feel to it. Almost like a cross between James Taylor and Steely Dan, with maybe a little Simon and Garfunkel thrown in.Since it's CLOSE, I'm going to nitpick you to death.On first listen, it was difficult to know where the chorus was beginning. As a matter of fact, what I believe you are calling your chorus sounds more like a bridge to me. But then comes along another bridge, complete with jolting key change. And you repeat your hook at the end of every four-line verse.Very odd song form. But that's okay, you almost pull it off.I would love to hear your signature lick played on an honest to goodness cello. In harmony, maybe, with a violin.The cheesy synthetic fiddle was almost irritating.You only need ONE of those licks in the intro, anyway. No matter what it's played on. Get into the song as quick as you can.Your VERSES are very hooky. The line in the 2nd verse, "while all the lines in my face start to show" was a bit of a speed bump the way you had to sing it. All you need is "while lines in my face start to show" and it sings much more with the flow. IMHO. (Hey! That all RHYMES!)The chorus needs some work, I fear.I understand that this is about your actual father, and as such, it's kind of a memorial to him. But to the casual listener who doesn't know you, "Dad used to say that just one lifetime," is a poisonously clichd line. The "Daddy told me" thing is so old and overused, it's meaningless. It's great for you and your family as a commemoration, but if you want to commercially exploit this song (and it has GREAT potential for that), something like "I've heard it said", for instance, might be better. Also jettison either the "that" or the "just" in that line. As in, "I've heard it said just one lifetime""would surely never be enough" is okay here, if you can't polish it somehow."you need the first one just to figure out what you want to do and another one to make those dreams come true". The objection is not to content, but to person. You suddenly change to second person here, which makes it sound preachier than it maybe should. If the singer includes himself in with the listener, as in "WE need the first to figure out what WE want to do...etc." Please notice I left out the word "just". I suggest you consider doing the same thing. It's almost ALWAYS a meaningless fill word. Like "THAT".You change person the same way in your key-change bridge. "The time WE have in life is fleetingand it's easy to forget just what YOU'VE got." They need to be the same person. I strongly suggest the "WE". And get rid of that friggin' "just". "It easy to forget what WE'VE got..."Which makes the last two lines of the bridge: "Before WE know it they'll be leavingWE should take some time in the uphill climb, to love the ones WE love a lot." And, when you re-sing that last line, enunciate the words VERY CLEARLY. They are the MEAT of the song, actually. Give the listener a clear melody and understandable lyric they can sing along to right there. I didn't understand the words until I READ them.I'd love to hear what this sucker turns out to be. It has serious potential. As a matter of fact, you get this right, and there are a lot of opportunities here on Broadjam that you could pitch it to.Keep the faith.Tirk Wilder

Quote From Pro: A cross between James Taylor, Stephen Bishop, Steely Dan and other favorites, Matt Taylor mixes it all together into his own unique approach, turning himself into a "MUST LISTEN".