Time by Symetria

Broadjam Artist: SymetriaSong: TimeBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)Pro General Comments: This is a hard song to describe using the current check down list available. It’s aggressive but it’s more philosophical than agit…


Broadjam Artist: Symetria
Song: Time

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)

Pro General Comments: This is a hard song to describe using the current check down list available. It's aggressive but it's more philosophical than agitated or angry. The song is about change and keeping dreams alive. It's a very positive and meaningful message. It reminds me a lot of AC/DC and Guns N' Roses. Strong guitar riffs and driving percussion. The vocal could have used a little more effect to make it more biting but that's subjective...the vocal got the song across...I really liked the contrast in the beginning. The song slowly builds and then explodes in double time...Anyone into hard rock either retro or contemporary would enjoy this song. The reason I chose dreams as the hook is because every verse and chorus mentions dreams.You are a talented guitarist and you showcased your talents in this song. You also displayed a good sense of arrangement. In my opinion the percussion could be turned up in the mix...it was drowned out slightly by the powerful guitar. There is room in this arrangement for more of a live drum feel but again that's subjective...This song gets a very high mark from me. I enjoyed listening to it. Good job and I would be surprised if this song isn't used in a TV show or as background in a movie. Pitch it

Quote From Pro: Symetria is a rock force to be reckoned with. Strong vocals and excellent driving guitar solos will keep you entertained and keep bringing you back for more. Symetria has one foot in retro rock and one foot in today's rock. Whichever you prefer you'll find it in Symetria.

GENARES by Bandsman

Broadjam Artist: BandsmanSong: GENARESBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)Pro General Comments: I very much Liked the song.It had a very catchy melodythat one can remember when the songs is over.I am wondering if this wa…


Broadjam Artist: Bandsman

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jason Miles (Producer, Keyboardist, Arranger)

Pro General Comments: I very much Liked the song.It had a very catchy melodythat one can remember when the songs is over.I am wondering if this was done with live musicians or programmed drums and bass..That however doesn't matter if one is trying to place the song in a film or commercial..The quality of the song is what's important and that I rated 4 stars..The artist has a very nice feel to his guitar playing and definitely puts across the song with his style and precision..I thought the drums and bass were decent..Nothing special..but they worked in presenting this track..Overall A good presentation that gives you the idea of the song and the quality of the composition.The one thing that could have been added is perhaps some organ to give the track and song little more colors besides just the guitar

Quote From Pro: Genares is a very melodic very easy going swing jazz song.A very Fluid and catchy melody brings you into the song and the high quality of the guitar playing gives you an excellent listening experience from beginning to end..I like melodies I can remember when the song is finished

Out Of My Tree by Jason Montero

Broadjam Artist: Jason MonteroSong: Out Of My TreeBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Stuart Epps (Record Producer)Pro General Comments: great track . harks back to the best music . Very nice playing very nice singing ,. Instrumental is good . the drum sound could …

Jason Montero

Broadjam Artist: Jason Montero
Song: Out Of My Tree

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Stuart Epps (Record Producer)

Pro General Comments: great track . harks back to the best music . Very nice playing very nice singing ,. Instrumental is good . the drum sound could be better , i would add samples to the snare . Maybe a better overall mix could be done . I have to keep arting here as thats whats needed . I think this is a good track the band is good the vocals are good its well produced and has a good feel . Like i said the nix could be better , i could mix it better . It seems like i still have to write more . Wow . Okay is this a band ? Is it a solo artist ? Do you have more songs . I can mix them better . If you would like to get in touch i like this band . Okay im playing from the beginning as i have more to write , the intro could be halved but its ok . Verse 1 , great with the backing vocal . very nice organ playing . Great the way the heavy guitars come in , giving it a real lift . then theres a break , this could have some lead guitar . tongue like a razor verse , very nice lyrics . Maybe could have more keys here ., Its okay though as we have another big lift coming for the chorus . at 2.37 . for the solo . , Nice playing . could be a bit more exiting maybe . then last verse . 3.22 . This is the longest critique ive every done for a track . Very nice backing vocals at 3.40 . Last chorus . big end . all good ,. whew !!!

Quote From Pro: Great track harking back to when music was great


Broadjam Artist: MGBSong: LET ME KNOWBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Chris Keaton (Music Publisher, Artist Manager, Song Plugger)Pro General Comments: I didn’t want to like this song. At first, all I heard were well worn cliches and I kept thinking I’ve heard …


Broadjam Artist: MGB

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Chris Keaton (Music Publisher, Artist Manager, Song Plugger)

Pro General Comments: I didn't want to like this song. At first, all I heard were well worn cliches and I kept thinking I've heard this all before, especially the line "when light turns to day." I thought I would puke.Then, it changed after the first verse. The cliches continued but the framework changed. The story began to come through the lyric. The pain. The honesty and the impending heartbreak or joy. Damn, I was hooked.Then the plaintive steel break before the bridge ripped my heart out.The bottom line here is that the instrumental track and the lyric support each other like two bundles of reeds. One cannot stand without the other. On that note, whoever arranged this song really knows what he/she is doing.Is the vocalist great? Not really but then again there are only four great singers on the planet. The rest of us just connect the best we can.On subsequent listens the song really comes to life.Sonically the track is top notch. The mix allows each instrument space and air to breathe and move. Bravo!

Quote From Pro: MGB writes from his heart like it really matters and to hell with everything else.

Come Sundown by Andre Kerek

Broadjam Artist: Andre KerekSong: Come SundownBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Cortez Farris (Producer and Engineer)Pro General Comments: Awesome song! The hook melody is very strong and memorable. The lyrics are simple and meaning full and sung with passion. So…

Andre Kerek

Broadjam Artist: Andre Kerek
Song: Come Sundown

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Cortez Farris (Producer and Engineer)

Pro General Comments: Awesome song! The hook melody is very strong and memorable. The lyrics are simple and meaning full and sung with passion. Some parts of the song are stronger than others- and the beginning seems to lead up to an anticipated level- but it almost seems slightly anti climatic.the chords are nice I really enjoy the background singing adds a nice touch and some depth. I feel this song has great potential and it maybe a matter of taking somethings in and out to give a highlight to some areas in the hook.The mix is OK. the overall mix could be fine tuned. It is very important to get your listeners attention right away and keep through out the songSo mix melody, and lyrics should be attention grabbers!Great work! Voice has a very clean tone and is nice to listen to- easy and soft to the ear.Reminds me of 90's or early 2000's r&b that everyone would enjoy to listen to.Thank you for submitting your song and it's been an honor to be given the opportunity to review.

Quote From Pro: This song has great potential to be picked up- great synchronization and marriage of all parts of the song. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to "Come Sundown". I hope to hear more from you, Andre!