Easy Street by The SuBourbon Blues Project – Chris Ford

Broadjam Artist: The SuBourbon Blues Project – Chris FordSong: Easy StreetBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)Pro General Comments: I like this song of course by the feeling it brings up is great. I listened man…

The SuBourbon Blues Project - Chris Ford

Broadjam Artist: The SuBourbon Blues Project - Chris Ford
Song: Easy Street

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)

Pro General Comments: I like this song of course by the feeling it brings up is great. I listened many times more than once. The intro was a catcher then the washboard when, as a professional musician that my whole life I've been, the instruments are brought together in such a good way. The claps with the rhythm of blues are all good too but I love to see the female vocalist performance named as credit needs to be given too. I'm sure on your second CD project you do supply the liner notes or your established record label does this hopefully too. This song with the mouth harp does a good job, Chris. Now where to take it from here is what I'll try to feedback to you too.

Quote From Pro: Once I started the reviewing process, I began to search for parts to point to exactly by the numbers during the reviewing process for "Easy Street" that I do. Maybe as your studio engineer or producer might do when paid to do this for a songwriter. As you see there are not any numbers, I pointed to which means it's solid work in my opinion. Only I love the blues like Americana folk music here since my late Grandpa discovered one of the greats in the blues (www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Hornsby) singers as I inherited his ears to carry on the Hornsby Music Family Tradition all my life. My job here is to give you some pointers as your questions in my professional opinion on Broadjam.com. I liked this unique blues (folk Americana) song, and your job has just begun - unless you are already signed to a known publisher whose staff will do that work for you. I enjoyed hearing this song very much. Hopefully I may be reviewing more of your work in the future for Broadjam.com. Keep writing since there is mega talent here that I just heard and hopefully the credits of the singer's contribution are noted in the future too. Thank you for making a fine production for my ears & heart to hear as I hear you're on the right road.

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