Broadjam Artist: Charles Edmund Carter
Song: Pistol Packin' Mama
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)
Pro General Comments: Sorry to be blunt but the vocalist seems not to help the delivery of this song to be reviewed but could be altered in the studio with certain recording functions on the studio board aka recording technical equipment process. The weakness of offering this song as it is here might may take the one who wants to use it more cost or time for fixing it than some may want to do. That means fixing any song before licensing to suit the need is advisable ... but I heard the drum patterns here that maybe with a touch of a native American feel could help in a diverse direction towards some new USA western type series once the vocals are modified even with the chorus. It does take me back to ask what is the goal of the songwriter for this song. Many pro producers might discover to direct the arranger toward that end for the recording session. Instrumentation is often a key factor into the direction in the final mastering and the delivery to take, i.e., for TV or film or single release for even radio style online or off commercial broadcasting. And back to the song, this story idea is ok as it's been covered before even though it's a dark type of story which some true stories maybe like that anyways. We know humanity has that side of it but in my opinion the song needs some work. I listen over and over every time I do a review of a recording and the taste of the current consumer is always changing. I try to always give an honest review even as a talent judge so that the artist (aka in this case songwriter) may return to polish the stone of his/her performance or composition. Again, we all know opinions are only opinions and NO ONE on earth knows the future fads or newest thing which maybe an old one returned to be new again. In the Arts it is often subjective and objective but I want every one that creates anything to be better from their observation of the audiences their song (or performance) is played for or to whenever or wherever that maybe. So that's why knowing the goal to write commercially is a serious job or for fun which are both ok. The differences people have in what they do are like fingerprints and for a songwriter to touch millions of people by music or lyrics is an awesome gift that is felt which is a talent that is given to share for that reason. This Pistol Packing Mama may have to stay inside the jail unless the funding and time is available to get the master makers to meet the songwriters' goals and in the art fields like in life all things are possible. Thank you for sharing this song.
Quote From Pro: There are sometimes songs that heard more than once plus repeated a few songs where the story sticks with you as this one may for some people in "Pistol Packing Momma" as the amount of time is good at 3:23. There are some musical points I see that may need some work or that could be changed but it's up to the goal of where this product maybe headed. I am glad that I was able to hear this song and look forward to more in the future sent through the Broadjam Pro Review.
Pistol Packin’ Mama by Charles Edmund Carter
Broadjam Artist: Charles Edmund CarterSong: Pistol Packin’ MamaBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Nikki Hornsby (Songwriter, Artist, Producer, Arranger)Pro General Comments: Sorry to be blunt but the vocalist seems not to help the delivery of this song to be revie…
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