Testify by Ron Addison

Broadjam Artist: Ron AddisonSong: TestifyBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)Pro General Comments: Hi Ron, I love this retro blues rock groove. It took me on a trip back to the 70’s. Great vocal and strong background vocals…

Ron Addison

Broadjam Artist: Ron Addison
Song: Testify

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Robert Dellaposta (Writer, A&R, Publisher)

Pro General Comments: Hi Ron, I love this retro blues rock groove. It took me on a trip back to the 70's. Great vocal and strong background vocals. Strong meter , rhyme and phrasing. Loved the guitar solo...What you are calling a chorus is actually a bridge that ends with a partial verse and includes the hook...starting the bridge on the 4 chord is very common in a blues song. Ending each verse with the hook is indicative of verse/verse/bridge/verse form along with an instrumental solo. Whether you call it a bridge or a chorus won't matter to your listener. The instrumentation is spot on for this genre. The arrangement is also retro and highlights this blues rock era. The hook is common but it fits the song and it works for you as the artist. Mel McDaniel had a hit country song titled Stand up (Testify) it's not an original theme but it's still entertaining. The prosody is good...the singer is mad and agitated and the high energy music makes it clear what's on his mind. Baby boomers will love this along with blues rock fans of all ages. Good job and good luck with the single.

Quote From Pro: Testify will rock you and get your hands clapping and toes tapping. Ron Addison has the soul and vocal talent to be the third blues brother.