Convertible Summer by Phil Bouldry

Broadjam Artist: Phil BouldrySong: Convertible SummerBroadjam Pro Reviewer: Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)Pro General Comments: Please note: I don’t comment on quality of individual instrumentation as my expertise delves more into over…

Phil Bouldry

Broadjam Artist: Phil Bouldry
Song: Convertible Summer

Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)

Pro General Comments: Please note: I don't comment on quality of individual instrumentation as my expertise delves more into overall performance, marketing, melody, etc Good description, you catch the summer vibe very well. When trying to get your songs cut or used in media, it is always a good idea to have uptempo happy songs whenever you can. Your verses and their description do their job and paint a picture for your listener. Nice visual description. Convertible Summer gives a listener a good strong image, right away you know what it will be about and you catch the energy of that. You progress your story which keeps the interest of your listener and very important to do. Lead us on a journey, keep our interest.Don Henley wrote the Boys of Summer and that captured the nostalgia of our long lost carefree days. You both hint at the nostalgia. You may want to check out his song and you can see why it became a hit. Studying similar themes in a hit song can be very educational and give you a reference point for your own songwriting.Henley's "Boys of Summer" is about a man who is longing for these carefree days and his lover, his description is very picturesque but with an underlying haunting feel. It's always a good idea to delve as deep as possible to stir up the emotion in a listener. But I can see youYour brown skin shining in the sunYou got your hair combed back and yourSunglasses on babyI can tell you my love for you will still be strongAfter the boys of summer, have goneSince you started such a great story, you may want to give us just a little bit more, deepen the storyline. Add some more drama to hold our interest. A song that has everything rosy doesn't have the same impact as our singer saying at the end something like, my lady is so far away, how I long for those good ole days, but I feel her slipping away...... Leave us hanging for the resolution and then give it to us at the end.Something along the idea of "the good ole days are coming my way ... cause my lady... she says she's coming to stay.".... End it with a resolution of sorts, will make it more satisfying. Depending what way you want your song to go. Happy it seems. (feel free to use ideas)

Quote From Pro: Strong happy summer vibe song that makes you dream of those carefree days.