Broadjam Artist: The Guinetones
Song: Someday
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Tirk Wilder (Songwriter, Performer)
Pro General Comments: Well, the music is as good as I have come to expect from you guys. Again. If this is your band, you guys got it going on. Jake Johnson, your producer, has aces chops.You also have your chorus with a completely different musical figure than the verses. This is what I was talking about in the other two songs, and it is excellent. It doesn't matter as much here as it did in the other two songs, but you're still not using the same template in your verses. I will say again that it is really important for the ear of the listener to hear the verses be almost exact in their size and their rhyme patterns. It's very distracting to the listener's experience when they have to figure out where the verses are and where the chorus is.That is something I would suggest that you make yourself much more aware of in your future writings.Once again, you are repeating words in your verses and trying to do make them work as rhyme words.The first verse is fine, but the second verse has two "see"'s, and two "me"'s. It really is a speedbump in the middle of your song to have that be that way. I would strongly suggest that you fix that.I would also love to see some kind of imagery somewhere explaining what this guy is going through. Or, you could take a look at your own "Artists Submitted Question", and find some family members dealing with demons and addictions that you could tell me about IN THE SONG.You guys have the honor of being the only ones that I have ever done where somebody put something into the "Artists Submitted Question" area that was a very good suggestion for the song. You did that all three times. I am amazed.But this is absolutely the best of the three, in my humble opinion.Keep the faith, keep writing. If you have any comments or questions about any of my evaluations, you can contact me at tirkwilder@gmail.com , and I will get back to you as quickly as I can.
Quote From Pro: Another emotional powerhouse of a song.