Broadjam Artist: Bob Hutson
Song: Run Til I'm Free
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)
Pro General Comments: Hi Bob: As you probably know- Please note I don't rate individual instrumentation since my expertise lies more in marketability, lyric, melody, and overall performance.You have an interesting idea of mixing a rock-ish style with a gospel- type vocal. I could possibly hear a few more bluesy licks in there to really fuse the two together. They are two very rich styles that have the potential to really merge in interesting ways.My first initial instinct after reading the lyric says you have a powerful idea/concept. It's simple and focussed which is good. You don't always need overly clever or poetic lines. Just ask Adelle's "Hello it's me Again" or the Beatles "I Wanna Hold Your Hand". Simple and direct can be powerful and your lines ring with a good urgency. The visuals of chained hands and feet paint a vivid picture.However when the music first came in- it sounded pretty but I was waiting/hoping for a bit more emotion, a bit more tension in the melody/arrangement. It's a full 30 seconds before the verse and vocal comes in. This is an eternity in today's music- people are very used to short intros- (as opposed to the 80's). It's different if you are doing your own record and are not worried about selling it to another artist- in a pitch. But unfortunately people have short attention spans so cut to the meat of the song pretty quickly whenever possible. The vocal feels a bit buried in the track- the singer has a nice timbre so you want to showcase that. Also the guitar line might want to get a bit more sparse in the verse- it feels a bit like it's competing with the vocal. That guitar riff is also feeling a bit repetitive, can you change it up a bit?
Quote From Pro: A lot of heart in this song.