Broadjam Artist: COSTA / Costa Ioannides
Song: Looking at Me
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Malik Williams (Producer, Artist, Engineer, Composer)
Pro General Comments: Costa,You've really locked in on this track. Looking At Me is a really great commercial dance song.. super catchy... classic! This is also.. by far my favorite song style from you thus far. I really like the opening line "Guess who's been bleeding blue now they've lost it?" It made me wonder where the song would go. The lyrical melody flows nicely and is very easy to sing along with... and I think if it wasn't for the love of music, we'd all love our minds! So many people can relate to that. The song concept is pretty universal and I really like the vocal performance. Good idea to create the video as well. Using the disgruntled employee concept was brilliant. The video really supports the concept of the song and really fun to watch. (For those that haven't seen it, check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irXulC5I6iA)Solid music and vocal arrangement! I like the breaks and the background and ad-lib vocal parts flying in and out. The production quality is pretty tight overall as well. One again, I really appreciate your drum programming and on this one, the bass sound you chose is really edgy and fat. The base line itself is also really good and it's cutting right though the track.. really cool!The song has a lot of energy and movement just with the bass and drums. That's the foundation you need with this kind of dance track. You definitely nailed that. The mix on this song is really clear and tight and with so much going and all the instrument parts, that can be a difficult task!Very good low-end and pretty crisp high-end. You are a very talented songwriter and producer! Keep up the good work.. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your music!
Quote From Pro: Looking At Me is a really great commercial dance song.. super catchy... classic!