Broadjam Artist: COSTA / Costa Ioannides
Song: Let this in
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Malik Williams (Producer, Artist, Engineer, Composer)
Pro General Comments: Hey Costa,Thank you for the opportunity to review your songs. I really like the drive of this track. A lot of the new songs out these days seems to have some type of flair from an older song from say the 80s or 90s and I always like hearing that. Especially because of the musicianship it might take to pull that off. In this case, I referred to an artist names "Dino" from the late 80's because of your vocal tone and his dance songs (hits) were very upbeat and fun. I think Maroon 5 might be the closest I could refer you to because you have that Adam Levine vocal tone that's pretty smooth. I'm always careful how to constructively compliment an artist regarding a throwback sound but so much of today's music is derived from songs of the past anyway. First off, I chose the title Can't Let It Go because I thought your vocal performance really drove that point home... stuck in my head a bit more to me.The intro flange fx is nice coming into the song. I like the drum programming and percussion programming. The bass guitar works overall but at about 2:52 and at the break, the timing or quantization could be tighter. It's a bit mechanical... It's really important to keep that kick and bass grove in the pocket. The piano and synth arpeggiation is great. Also, the funky guitar plucking and the nylon guitar sound in your break add a lot to the song. Vocally, the lead is pretty good and so are the lyrics. The backgrounds in the pre-chorus could be tighter and maybe even spread out a little wider. On that note the overall mix is good. Although, I'd like to hear a fatter but still punchy kick drum mix under your bass guitar. Other than that I think the choice of instruments and your preliminary mix is all in the right direction!
Quote From Pro: Costa Ioannides: "you have that Adam Levine vocal tone that's pretty smooth"