Broadjam Artist: Densyl
Song: Music Is My Life
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Diana Williamson (Songwriter, Music Supervisor)
Pro General Comments: Dear Densyl:As you know- I don't comment on instrumentation as my expertise lies in overall vision, marketability, lyrics, hooks, etc..This song has a good vibe/feel to it- reminds me for some reason- of some of the ELO Petty type mid tempo songs...( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WJdTIqWXZ8)- this isn't the song I was trying to think of... but in the ballpark... Perhaps a bit of Travelling Willburys- too.You said "he told me he'd be interested in rerecording the song with another singer, new arrangements, lyrics, etc." (this is alot!!!) If I were you, you might want to try and perfect the kinks before deciding on recording. Recording can become expensive. And there are some great online Nashville song demo places- that can deliver a very good acoustic guitar, "country-sounding" vocal for next to nothing, which you may want to consider before diving into a paying recording project with someone.If for eg- this person wanted to become a cowriter with you, helping with lyrics and arrangements- since he thinks it's a hit- and record it for free- and take a percentage- then that might be worth considering- then you just pay 50/50 on a studio singer. The melody here is working pretty solidly and as you mentioned - the person had said- the lyric (needs some work). The lyric right now is a little vague. It's not that clear if this relationship was solid, a passing love affair viewed from a sentimental view of the past... For a listener to really care- they have to have a clear idea of what the two had together. It seems like a passing fancy- "met at the mall".... It seems like the girl has given up and gone away saying "music is your life" and then you're saying "I will always come back to you"- this is confusing. Are they or aren't they together? Be specific. Make us care.Why in the lyric would the woman want to wait? You're still telling her to hang around and wait.. Tell us why she should? Give us a bit more of the story.
Quote From Pro: The song has good possibilities, it has good flow to it.
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