Broadjam Artist: Nonviolenze
Song: Girl in Rags
Broadjam Pro Reviewer:
Jonathan Weiss (Music Supervisor, A&R)
Pro General Comments: Quite a unique sounding vocal and arrangement. Hard to categorize this piece, but if I had to, I would say it lends itself to more of a song from a staged musical. Obviously the music, chord structure and vocal quality conveys a state of heartbreak, either from the melodic lines and from the haunting, plaintive lead vocal and background flute/synth counter melodies. Acoustic guitar accompaniment is well played and and conceptually works for this genre. If this was part of a staged musical production, it would make sense that this kind of lyrical content would be able to convey to the audience the loneliness that this woman in rags is suffering from. Beyond that however, as a piece of contemporary pop music, I don't really see how it fits in. The vocals are solidly performed, on pitch and the overall arrangement is rich and full sounding. I guess you could call it progressive rock as you say in your bio, but to me, it does not connote that type of sound.Lyrically, beyond some of the visual connotations that it evokes, I'm not seeing a consistent through line of what its about. To me, its a bit vague, but definitely sad sounding in all areas.
Quote From Pro: A haunting vocal melodyballad and solidly played acoustic guitar, make this a very entertaining piece that I could hear being performed in a staged musical production.